Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Poetry analysis

Poetry analysis- Thomas Hardy Essay It can be said that the origins of An invitation to the United States are not conclusive, yet, various theories dictate that the event that fueled this work revolved around an invitation to America in order to celebrate the Centennial of Edgar Allen Poes death. Therefore one must consider the context in relation to the content and understand the myriad of emotions within Hardys mind. The poem juxtaposes two geographical regions and presents the reader with Hardys perspective towards the omnipresent contrast between the United States and England. In effect he is in a contemplative mood and reminiscing about past experiences of sorrow and loss, hence distorting his perception and renders him seeking new, more prosperous times. This concept of rebirth and new opportunities is combined with the consideration of past poetic masters, conveying a distinctive origin for both and emphasising the magic and freedom throughout Americas vast land. The poem is presented in two stanzas, each containing 8 lines. In addition to this, the poem has a continuous rhythm and works around a rhyme scheme of (A,B,A,B,B,C,B,C). You can Imagine how an unexplained fatal disease killing everyone around you would make you a little terrified for your own life, feeling Like the sword of Damocles Is hanging over you head and making you seriously contemplate what happens next. Themes The big one here is obviously mortality, but it closely associated with salvation and therefore religious faith could be considered here too. Content Right, its six stanzas and itll take forever to do if I go through in too much detail so youre going to have to be satisfied with an overview. Lets start with the title. The word litany is now quite commonly used, but at the time was derived from and focused on a service In a church. We can take a litany to be a congregation listening to the priest or preacher delivering it. The first stanza gives us an overview of whats on Names mind; hes a bit fixated on what he sees as the certainty of his approaching death. He mentions how much fun and Joy there is in the world, but sees them as being overshadowed and made to seem inconsequential by the shadow of death (death proves them all but toys) and our mortality. He tells us that none from his darts can fly indicating the inevitability of death; we all know well die, but he seems to be implying that none can escape from death from the plague as he says l am sick, I must die as one inevitably leads to the other. The following four stanzas effectively say the same thing: no one is safe from the plague and nothing will protect you. He starts off by addressing the wealthy and assures them Gold cannot buy your health. Hes a little bit wrong here as wealth probably would ensure a bit of distance from the plague and the wealthy wouldnt vive in the crowded, filthy and rat infested confines of the cities, so would probably be less likely. However, this is besides the point, hes telling them their money wont keep them safe. Stanza 3 next addresses the beautiful and warns them that Wrinkles will devour them and their looks and that even beautiful Queens have died young. He uses a classical allusion in Helen (the face that launched a thousand ships Cause she was so pretty the Greeks went to rescue her from her Trojan captors) as well to convey the idea of beauties dying young and thus telling the young that even they re not safe from the plague. Strength and intelligence (Wit) are the next two subjects. Even the most powerful will eventually feed for the worms, or rotting in the grave, again demonstrated with a classical allusion, this time to Hector (the Trojan hero). The intelligent are unable to argue their way out of their fate as Hells executioner, or the plague, has no ears for them to appeal to. The Second World War EssayYes, it makes it like a prayer, but also it emphasizes the certainty of death and the poet cannot escape this preoccupation with the end being nigh! Tone Pretty somber as at every turn this guy wants to remind us and himself that he is certain to die And in a pretty gruesome and debilitating way. However, there is also an element on preaching here as he is trying to tell us what we have to do be good and die horrible, but live on in heaven.

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